Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Don Ka Dance Bar

It was one of those days (October 8, 2012 to be precise), when I had this fleeting moment of self-actualization with a voice (the same as they use in Big Boss!) in my head questioning the merit of professional education when all I was doing was churning out files in different formats of MS Office!

It was this beautiful and chirpy voice of Sriranjani that uplifted my mood and bought me back to the realization that ‘Yes…MS Office is the way to go…it rocks!’ She sang me:

Himashuji zara dheere chalo, B.E. Kiya MBA Kiya, Padhne se kya faayda…takea listen on Sound Cloud for the full song.

What is it all about? 
In my earlier post Supari, I mentioned that the evening show on Fever 104 FM Bangalore is all about the elements of a Bollywood Don. Sriranjani’s song and dance sequence is the segment Don Ka Dance Bar on RJ Darius’s evening show D Company (Mon – Fri, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm).

How to enter the Don Ka Dance Bar?

Listener sends an SMS to 9986104104 with a witty message that gets the attention of the Don…

And if the Don likes the message, the listener gets a call from Don’s show producer and in-house Dance Bar singer, Sriranjani. She asks the listener about what she should include from the listeners life in the personalized song she would sing for the listener (in my case it was PowerPoint, self-actualization…). And yes, there you are with a personalized song being sung to you in the most mellifluous of voices…it’s your moment to bath in all that glory with the realization that a city of 8.5 million is able to listen what is being sung for you…you are very much the hero (or heroine) of that moment.

What’s the big deal?

Do you remember, when it used to be your buddy’s birthday, you could SMS the radio jockey with your pal’s number and birth date and your pal gets his/her birthday surprise with someone from the radio station singing a Happy Birthday song for your pal. Well Dance Bar is not the same thing. It differs. One, it’s all about you, whether you want to be in the Dance Bar or not, is up to you. No proxies here…if you want to be in, it’s you who sends the SMS for your own self. Two, unlike Birthdays, Dance Bar is all about both happy and not so happy days; it need not be your happy day to request entry in the Dance Bar.

Advertising opportunities

I don’t recall if it was a sponsored segment.

What next?

I believe the segment is now retired. May 31, 2013 was the last working day of Sriranjani at Fever 104 FMBangalore. I was twice lucky on this segment and the second time around (May 10, 2013) she sang me a song befitting the monsoons. Take  a listen on SoundCloud for the full song. 

It was RJ Sindhu who kept the segment alive for some time post Sriranjani’s movement from Fever 104 FMBangalore. If the segment is retired, why write about it now? Well, couple of days back I caught the ad of a memory storage cards brand on television which bought back past ‘memories’. You’ll be asking, what’s the connection?

When I first entered the Dance Bar, I remember writing to RJ Darius with a suggestion to create a personalized tangible for the non-tangible on-air experience. The idea was to provide the listener with a Fever 104 FM branded USB stick of their personalized song. The sponsor I had in mind was a memory storage card brand. The suggestion did not make a dent, because I do not remember any memory storage card brand sponsoring the Dance Bar segment.

You can take a listen of Sriranjani’s Dance Bar personalized songs on her Sound Cloud Channel. 


  1. Thanks for amazing information waiting for your next article

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    Mahaveer Ranches
    S2 Avantika


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